Thursday, September 15, 2005

Wierd Marriage Theory

This isn't my wierd marriage theory, but the theory of a colleague of mine (and not one of the crazy ones).
She says that women get married in order to find the true love of their life, their children. Aww, isn't that sweet, she says that is true unconditional love. Aww - puke on my shoes. I find this theory, as sweet and heartfelt as it may be, to be a step above the whole 'sex only for procreation' theory, it's just marriage for procreation. She made a brief mention of companionship, but then said she prefers the companionship of her friends. Huh? Maybe she should have gone to a sperm bank.
Maybe this is all completely foreign to me because marriage is the last thing on my mind (except for all the weddings I have to go to) and children are even further down on my list. I understand that children provide unconditional love -- although it doesn't seem that way when their 15 right mom? -- but I really don't like the idea of marrying someone just to have children. Why not just find some guy who you think has a lot of great qualities and have a couple babies and skip the whole marriage part, maybe you'll be happier.
I always thought that having a baby because it will love you unconditionally was one of the worst reasons to have kids. I also don't like the thought of getting married, having kids and then having a husband that you don't really want to be around, then you end up being one of those couples who 'stayed together for the kids' and get divorced after like 25 years of marriage or something. Or you end up with kids that you love to pieces and some guy who hangs around expecting you to make dinner and do the laundry, while he works 65 hours a week. Married people make no sense.
What do I know, I'm a selfish and single cynical bitch. (should I have hyphenated that?)


Blogger Janey Llewellin said...

I agree with your marriage theory but I don't agree with the bitch part.

Marriage scares the crap outta me and I think it's cos of our parents generation who got divorced every fourty seconds.

Relationships are work. And I agree, who wants to work to stay in one? Although, effort has to be made by both parties to make the other one happy. Kids are work too, but that's a different kind of love.

I think people should think long and hard about the person they want to marry and why. Companionship and 'in love' isn't always enough. Sometimes it takes something more - like sharing a favourite flavour of ice cream.

But what do I know? I'm not married and don't plan to do so in the near future.

I do want kids though.


We need to start a revolution. Maybe I'll start a commune. A non-nauseating one though.

8:04 AM  

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