Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Elections are fun, and exhausting

I'm tired. Realistically, covering my riding was incredibly easy. I only report on one riding, and it was pretty much certain that the incumbant was going to win.
Unfortunately, since moving here I've become like 80 and so the idea of not having to be anywhere near the election results until 10 p.m. was killing me.
It ended up being fun. Once the winning candidate was able to acknowledge that he won and the other candidates showed up to concede there was running to the door, pushing around being in scrums. That was great, I started a scrum unwittingly, it was great, I felt like a grown-up reporter. The only problem is that Belleville has a college with a journalism school, so the place was crawling with budding journalists and photographers. The problem with this? Frankly, I still look like a journalism student. The other 'real' reporters cold easily mistake me for someone there for school, but no, really it's my job.
It didn't turn out to be a huge factor, I did have the satisfying moment of having a j-school radio student completely record all my questions and answers, without asking her own. She totally thought I was a 'grown-up reporter,' I thought she was lazy.
After this non-sensical rambling I will reach a conclusion, it was fun, it was a bit of a rush and I think it would be pretty nifty to get to travel on one of those election busses/planes.

Don't I look like a real reporter?? Don't I also look really really small?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its easy to get on the campaign tour... only $10K per week.

Let me know if you're interested... I know a guy who knows a guy who's now the Prime Minister ;)

12:25 AM  
Blogger Nicole said...

Because I have $10K just kicking around in my back pocket...
I'll wait to ride on your bus.

9:58 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

You do look small in that pic. But dont worry. You are a grown up reporter.

11:18 AM  

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