Governor Journalist?
What makes journalists common candidates to become Governor General? If three of the last four GG's were journalists there must be a reason. My first instict is that journalists are supposed to be politically impartial, so won't try to swing the government. Maybe it's because journalists, especiallly broadcast journalists, are articulate and so able to give speeches at ribbon cutting ceremonies all over the world. Since the GG goes to a lot of social events, maybe journalists are selected because we have been known to enjoy a good party, especially if we're not paying for it.
So if the last GG was a journalist and the next GG is a journalist, maybe that means someone I know will become GG and I can be invited to the parties. I know Pete is pulling for the job, but even if the job often goes to journalists his chances probably go down because he's a white guy. Here's hoping. Maybe Andrea, our own affirmative action gold mine (her words) could be the GG.
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