Bringing the funk back
Some of you may remember a time when I was weird. OK, fine, I'm still weird, but I used to look weird.
Weird may not be the entirely right word, but at least I looked interesting. You could easily pick me out in a crowd, and there was a time where someone once said 'you can go into a store, find the ugliest thing in it and that's what Nicole would like,' and that person was right.
Not so much anymore. These days, you can go into a store and see a black t-shirt and say 'yup, that's Nicole.' Frankly, I'm tired of it. I've been saying this for some time, but I really am on a mission to bring back a little bit of character, and hell, colour, to my wardrobe.
I've started small. I bought a red belt in Toronto, it's funky. Then I bought a wicked purple hat that I'm currently addicted to, along with a crazy blue belt with a big-ass silver and rhinestone belt buckle. I know, it's not much but it's a place to start.
I don't remember when or why I decided to start blending into the background, but I'm done. Or at least I want to be done.
Wish me luck.