Friday, December 14, 2007

Perils of Alberta

My friend Blake and I have differing views on many many things, but I love him anyway. He's a Tory through and through, and though once and a while he'll acknowledge his party's mistakes, but not often enough. In a recent blog post, he essentially defended Alberta's government for pissing around and not starting the twinning of Hwy 63 years ago. If you don't, you have no choice but to drive Hwy 63 to get from Edmonton to Fort McMurray, oh and with the massive increase in traffic it's become a death trap.
I was going to post the following as a response on Blake's blog, but decided it was time I posted something interested on my own blog.

This will make more sense if you read this first.

The government has to take their fare share of the blame. It's been a well-known fact for at least a decade that Hwy 63 needed twinning, and nothing was until until what, last year? The boom up north didn't happen overnight, contrary to what they believe in Ontario. The twinning of Hwy 63 can be added to the lengthy list of things King Ralph didn't feel like doing during his last term as premier. This government can't make them move any faster but they need to acknowledge how long they've neglected this project, and for that matter most of the infrastructure needs of Fort McMurray.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm a big girl now

As I look around my tiny basement apartment I don't feel very grown up. But if I enter my really tiny bedroom I feel a bit more grown up, because I finally have a grown up bed. A real, queen size, pillow top doesn't fold up bed. Few things in my life say grown up, my job does, my car does, my shoe collection might and I have a slightly more grown up wardrobe than I did a few years back. But I live in a basement and none of my furniture doesn't match, some of it was free and some of it is broken.
But I have a real bed now, so at least I can have a good night's sleep until I'm actually a grown up, or at least can be better at pretending to be one.