Hearing Damage
My iPod is totally going to cause me hearing damage. I say this not because this issue has been in the news non-stop for several weeks, but because I'm regularly in a situation where I'm forced to blast the volume on my iPod. It's called the gym.
I don't think there are many gyms that play good music, most just stick with the local radio station or something, which sucks but can be tolerated. This is not the case at my gym. My gym has found some satellite station or a whole bunch of cds all labelled 'shitty music.' They take this music and blast it through the whole gym, so I am forced to crank the volume on my iPod in order for me not to go insane.
How bad can this music really be, you ask? Oh it's so bad. They play ever dance mix version of nearly every popular song ever recorded. If it's already a dance song, they've pumped up the techno beepy noises and sped up the tempo. If it's a ballad, then it's practically the Chipmunks on acid. I can't decide which is worse, when they take a good song and mess around with it until it sucks, or they take an already crappy song and make it worse by techno-ing it up?
Whoever has created these mixes should be charged with cruel and unusual punishment, for both the song and the listener.