I kind of hate Halloween. Well, hate may be a bit of a strong word, but I haven't been too big on the day for many years now. Still, I always get sucked into some sort of costume. Because of this, I've become the queen of the cop-out costume. Some highlights;
A Charlie's Angel (yup, cute top, jeans and high heeled boots)
Cowgirl (denim skirt, white shirt and pig tails)
A hippie (been used many many times)
This year, there's talk about going out as a group. This always sounds like a good idea, but never seems to work out very well. Though I enjoy some of the ideas that have been bandied about, I doubt anything will come to fruition. Any ideas for a group of 5 people, three girls and two guys though we're fine with gender bending. Right now I'm a big fan of either 80s musicians (yay big hair) or famous wives (Yoko, Courtney, Nancy and of course Ashton)
In some ways I'd like to boycott Halloween like I did Valentine's Day so many years ago.